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Live Concert with Slow Fawn
Alyson Denny will be presenting recent moving images live in collaboration with Slow Fawn on May 12 at 8pm at the Orpheum Theatre in Saugerties, NY.
Slow Fawn is Sam Cohen, Cochemea, and Stuart Bogie, three wonderful and supremely accomplished musicians joining forces. And their music is just beautiful! To top the night off there will be a post-screening DJ set by Malik Abdul-Rahmaan.
For more information and to purchase tickets:
May 12, 2024, 8pm
Orpheum Theatre
198 Main St.
Saugerties NY
Launch of the Largest Movie Screen in the Southeast Will Feature Alyson Denny's Moving Images
Alyson Denny's video loops will be featured during the inaugural program of OffTheWall@725Ponce, a new showcase for film and video art from around the world, curated by Gregory Zinman.
From the press release:
Featuring the largest movie screen in the Southeast, OffTheWall@725Ponce will illuminate the Eastside Beltline Trail in Atlanta with images projected on the façade of the eight-story building. The program will debut on August 18th with shimmering digital loops by Alyson Denny, a New York photographer and filmmaker, and Let Light Perpetual (2023), a film by Atlanta’s Micah and Whitney Stansell, known for their large-scale public projection pieces. Each of the six screenings will feature a different work by Denny, followed by Let Light Perpetual.
The inaugural program of OffTheWall@725Ponce will run on Friday and Saturday nights beginning August 18 and will conclude September 2. The programs will run from 9-10pm and are free and open to the public.
For more information about the project, please follow @offthewall725 on Instagram and on Twitter at @OffTheWall725
Will run Fridays and Saturdays, 9-10pm, on
August 18+19
August 25+26
and September 1+2
725 Ponce de Leon Avenue N.E.
Atlanta, GA
Bring a camping chair or a blanket, or just sit on the grass
Screenings can also be viewed from the Beltline
It is all free and open to the public!
Crisscross Sneak Peek in Hillsdale NY
Alyson Denny has contributed an 8.5 x 11” workprint of "Crisscross #1” to the HOLIDAY show at LABspace in Hillsdale NY. Many wonderful artists will have work in this big show of small works. The gallery co-directors, Ellen Letcher and Julie Torres, are very gifted show hangers so it promises to be a large visual feast.
Opening Festivities Day 1: Saturday, 12/17, 1-5pm
Opening Festivities Day 2: Sunday, 12/18, 1-5pm
HOLIDAY show hours: Saturdays + Sundays 1-5pm through Sunday, February 19th, 2023 (Gallery closed December 24 + 25)
Closing Weekend Festivities: Saturday + Sunday, February 18 + 19th, 1-5pm, weather permitting
2642 NY Route 23, Hillsdale NY
For more about the exhibit:
LABspace Instagram:
Exhibition of Immersive Light-Based Art in Philadelphia, September 17 - November 19, 2022
Some of Alyson Denny's recent moving image work, as well as some recent photographs, will be included in "Waiting Room," a group exhibition in Philadelphia, organized by the Jefferson Center of Immersive Arts for Health, and curated by Lyn Godley.
Aidan Fowler, Alyson Denny, Lyn Godley, Jessica Judith Beckwith, Philip Hart, and Yael Erel
HOT•BED Gallery
723 Chestnut Street 2nd Floor
Philadelphia PA
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, September 17, 6-9 pm
Exhibition dates: September 17 - November 19, 2022
PANEL DISCUSSI0N: Saturday, October 15, at HOT•BED Gallery at 6 pm
An open discussion with the artists on their practices, and the research behind the exhibition
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